Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blind Spot

General David Petraeus, the former CIA head and the commander who turned a failed war in Iraq into a success, has written an editorial in which he suggests we institute Sharia with regards to speech about Islam.  Oh, he doesn't put it that way but speaking out against Islam or Muslims will only compound the threat.  Keep quiet in the corner and maybe they will leave us alone.

Petraeus repeatedly gives examples where Muslims were beneficial in defeating terrorists.  Do we dare risk losing these allies by speaking ill of their religion?  Does General Petraeus realize we allied with Communist Russia to defeat the Nazis.  Does that mean we should not have spoken ill of communism in the wake of that joint victory?  Should we not have questioned the validity of communism because they helped us defeat another totalitarian system?  What will the communists think if we speak out against gulags, mass starvations, oppression, and invading countries?  It didn't play out that way, fortunately for everyone on earth.
Despite years in the Middle East, Petraeus still doesn't understand Islam:

Again, none of this is to deny or diminish the reality that we are at war with Islamist extremism — a fanatical ideology based on a twisted interpretation of Islam.
No, it is not a twisted interpretation.  Why has the same "twisted interpretation" been implemented again and again since the death of Muhammad?  Because it is what the Koran says.  The only times that Islam is quiescent is when it has been defeated in war.  Islam is a totalitarian belief system that calls upon the followers to conquer non-Muslims.  There is nothing bigoted in non-Muslims disliking Islam.  Islam cannot be reformed and will forever be at war with non-Muslims.  If not for its religious aspects, it would be viewed as no different from Italian Fascism, German Nazism, Japanese Imperialism, or Soviet Communism.  Because it is a religion, it is politically incorrect to treat it based on its tenets.
General Petraeus is a smart man and a competent general.  However, as his fall from grace demonstrates, he has blind spots and sometimes spotty judgment.  Here is another of his bad judgments.  Wow, I actually prefer Donald Trump on this issue.

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