Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Fix was In

Just came across this story from Election Justice USA.  It doesn't provide any data, just gives the conclusions of their study.  Valid?  I don't know.  So I checked out the page on their website.  Here I found a summary with a snippet of data.  The graphic was quite telling.  It only offers Kings County, New York but it is interesting how Hillary's final percentage is always higher where the ballots were machine-counted.  Bernie showed better when the ballots were hand counted.  That is a peculiar coincidence.  For what I know of Election Justice USA, they may be socialists who wanted Bernie to win.  Then again, maybe they are non-partisan like their website states.

Glenn Reynolds proposed that we return to paper ballots in part because of the growing threat of hacking from foreign powers.  Clearly, it would also benefit those who were not part of the establishment too.  Though it appears that the Republican establishment are a bunch of incompetent buffoons - couldn't prevent Trump from winning - the Democrat establishment know how to rig an election for the favored candidate.  Consider that the Obama Justice Department declined to prosecute New Black Panthers who stood with billy clubs in front of a polling station during the 2008 election.  Or that the IRS somehow refused tax exempt status to the Tea Party movement that had shellacked the Democrats in 2010.  What interesting stuff is going on behind the scenes to give Hillary a boost come November?

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