Friday, September 10, 2010

Koran Burning

Ah, the double standard. Does not the Florida pastor have the legal right to burn the Koran? Should the president really be weighing in on the 'wisdom' of burning Korans? Now, obviously, it is insensitive to burn the Koran, in much the same way it is insensitive to burn the US flag. Or perhaps build a mosque where thousands died at the hands of Muslim men screaming 'Allah Akbar!' Some have pointed out that there is a clear difference between these. The President, Defense Secretary Gates, and General Petraeus have spoken out to protect soldiers from the inevitable violence that will occur in the wake of such a bonfire. Sounds like we are submitting to blackmail. Muslims riot when there are Danish cartoons of Mohammad, so let's not draw Mohammad. A Muslim killed a filmmaker who made a film critical of Islam, so let's not make films critical of Islam. Holland politician Geert Wilders is under threat of death for speaking out against Islam, so let's not speak out against Islam. See, we're to blame for all this violence committed by Muslims because we failed to 'respect' their religion. Blackmail. Imagine what would happen if, instead of putting a crucifix in a bucket of urine, it was a Koran. Wow, recall the violent reaction of the Christians to that one? Yeah, neither do I.

Though I oppose book burning, I think the pastor may be onto something. What if we turn the tables in this blackmail scheme. Either Muslims start behaving themselves or we'll start burning some Korans. Learn some tolerance. Don't be so thin-skinned. It is within their power to prevent Koran burnings. See, it's not the Pastor who is responsible for burned Korans but Muslims who fail to show 'respect' for American sensibilities.