Monday, April 29, 2013

Immigration Reform

The Boston Bombers were on welfare last year.  Really?  In an earlier post about immigration, I suggested that we should not import costs.  You don't let an 80 year-old immigrate so you can pay the end of life expenses.  You don't import the homeless so they can be a drag on our economy rather than a foreign economy.  You don't let criminals come here.  Can we have a rule that if you are an immigrant, you are ineligible for public assistance for life?  I am all for immigration but I want immigrants to support themselves.  If they can't, let their home country deal with them.
Here we are spending three and a half TRILLION dollars a year for this government and it can't keep an eye on a guy it has already identified as a potential threat?  Here is a Muslim who traveled to the war-ravaged Caucus region for months but the government seemed not to notice.  Secretary Napolitano said the system 'pinged' when he left but the alert had expired before he returned so he slipped through.  What?!  Maybe we could give extra scrutiny to all persons coming to the US from places like Afghanistan, Dagestan, Pakistan, etc.  Having experience as a database programmer, I can tell you that this should be painfully easy with even outdated computers but our massively funded Homeland Security Department has failed to do so.  Heck, they posted Jihadi stuff online and had already been interviewed by the FBI.
The government let them come here, paid for them with public assistance, knew Tamerlan had gone to Dagestan, and let him back in unmolested.  So, the system worked.

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