Friday, September 27, 2013


Back in 1995, the Republican Congress had a disagreement with the Democratic President on spending.  This resulted in a shutdown of the government which - according to legend - was disastrous to the Republican Party.  Much bad press was heaped upon the recalcitrant GOP.  Not surprisingly, the Republicans are not eager to go through that again.  And that is the problem.

If you announce to your opponent that you will bend to his will rather than shutdown the government, you will be amazed how often the government finds itself at threat of shutting down.  It's like knowing that Superman's weakness is Kryptonite.  What fool isn't going to try to have Kryptonite on hand for every encounter?  If I could get the other party to acquiesce to my goals by letting us come to the brink, I'm going to keep doing that as long as it works.

If the government shuts down, it is a given that the media will report that it is the Republicans fault.  It is funny that when there was a government shutdown during the first Bush administration, it was the Republican President's fault.  But a few years later, when it shut down under the Clinton administration, it was the Republican Congress's fault.  Let's see, we currently have a Democrat as president, a Democratic Senate, and a Republican House... that means it is the Republican House's fault if there is a shutdown.  Isn't it peculiar how the Republicans are always to blame?

Arguably, a shutdown may not be a good strategic move at this moment.  The Debt Ceiling presents better 'marketing' for the Republicans than a shutdown.  But that doesn't change the point that if you always cave when a shutdown is threatened, you have announced a weakness that will be repeatedly used against you.  The Republicans have to get over 1995 and be willing to make the argument that the Democrats are just as responsible for a shutdown.

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