Monday, November 18, 2013

President Asterisk

During the Presidential election, there was a miraculous and timely burst of employment that resulted in the unemployment rate dropping below the 8% mark.  No president since FDR had been re-elected with unemployment above 8%.  Here is my blog on the subject:

Today, I was checking the links at Instapundit ( and came across the following article:

This may explain the peculiar numbers from last year.  Combined with the IRS harassment of Tea Party groups and the stonewalling on Benghazi, and the continued assurance that Obamacare would allow voters to keep insurance plans they liked, it appears that President Obama was making a full-court press to get re-elected, even if it required some tactics that are shady at best.  Such shenanigans are why some want to mark his re-election with an asterisk.

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