Friday, June 27, 2014

Electoral Shenanigans

Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi, recently won a runoff election against Chris McDaniel, a Tea Party challenger.  Of interest, he only won thanks to the votes of black democrats who took part in the Republican primary.  This is one reason I think open primaries are silly since it allows the other party to potentially choose its competitor.  However, those are the rules and it can bite both ways.  So far, so good.  But now it turns out that the Republicans were behind this.  Former Governor Hailey Barbour's nephew was involved in getting black Democrats to vote against McDaniel by selling the idea that the Tea Party candidate would bring back segregation.  Really?

Looking at the numbers, the Tea Party candidate got more Republican votes than Thad did.  It was Democrat voters who gave Thad the win.  That is not good for the party.  Thad will not get those Democrats to vote for him in the November election and these shenanigans may have convinced many Republicans to sit out the election.  Republicans and Democrats will join forces to defeat Tea Party candidates.  Why?
Of course, both parties have already said that the Tea Party is "far right-wing" and "racist."  For the uninformed, that is enough.  In fact, the Tea Party generally has 3 goals: Constitutional restoration, responsible budgeting, and economic freedom.  Our government has long since breached the limits of the Constitution but has recently become tyrannical.  The government needs to shrink back to the specified limits of the Constitution.  Next, the overspending has gotten out of hand and the huge deficits spell doom if not reined in.  Lastly, there must be a return to economic freedom.  There has been entirely too much regulation and corporatism (aka crony capitalism) in recent years.  The government should not be deciding which businesses prosper and which don't.  Entrenched politicians of both parties dislike these goals since it inevitably strips them of power.  Few willingly surrender power; doing so is what made George Washington so great.

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