Sunday, September 28, 2014


The movie opens with a 7 year-old Mason Evans Jr. (played by Ellar Coltrane) lying in the grass and staring at the clouds. It ends with that same actor 12 years later stating an inanity that he considers profound. That is the shtick of this movie. Over a 12 year period, the same core of actors filmed for 46 days, so about 4 days a year. To watch the kids grow up before you it pretty cool but that doesn’t make a film; that makes home movies. If this exact same film was made all at once with multiple actors playing Mason at the various ages of development, it would be widely panned as a boring, going nowhere coming-of-age stinker. The shtick is all this movie has.

Mason starts off as a cute kid but develops into a lost teenager who looks surprisingly unkempt but somehow attracts hot girls. So many scenes go nowhere. At one point, we see Mason being bullied in the boys’ restroom and that’s an end of that. There is no resolution, no response on his part, just a move to the next part of his life. By the end, Mason is a youth who seems to shrug his shoulders to show emotion and many of his lines include “I guess” or “I don’t know.”

One message of the film is that fathers suck. Yeah, dads are mostly bad guys, usually drunkards who may even brutalize their wives. Mason’s real father (played by Ethan Hawke) is initially an irresponsible doper who eventually gets his act together. But he isn’t so much a father as a buddy. There is nothing disciplinary about Mason Sr., just a cool guy and big brother figure.

The message on mothers isn’t all that great either. Mason’s mom (Patricia Arquette) starts off as a struggling single-mother but she goes back to school to get a degree for a better job. Along the way, she marries one of her professors (the drunken brute) then, after getting her master’s degree, she marries one of her students (who is merely a drunk). When Mason leaves for college, she breaks down that her life is over.

Why couldn’t he let the characters be apolitical? No, Mason’s parents are both Democrats, his father more vociferously so. His father, who only spends a couple weekends a month with them, decided to spend one of those days posting Obama/Biden signs. He even has Mason steal a McCain sign from a yard. Then we have the old man who threatens to shoot Mason for daring to ask if he can post an Obama sign. See, Republicans are nasty, villainous people. Later, we meet an Iraq war vet who says it was a war for oil; he later descends into drunkenness and is written out of the story. See! Look what Bush’s War did to the veterans. However, there was a bit of fun poked at Obama supporters; one young mother explains how she sees herself in a make-out session with handsome Senator Obama.

The cultural references were fun, from Mason’s sister singing Brittany Spears, to Harry Potter excitement, to Lady Gaga, to the iPhone. Shot as it was provided the ability to give a very accurate view of the given year (no anachronisms to be found).

The shtick is all that carries this movie and it didn’t carry it very far for me.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Utah Samurai?

Just read the most unexpected headline:

Polygamist women dressed 'like ninjas' attack home of witness in Utah sex assault case

That caught my attention!  So I read on...

Two armed “polygamist women” dressed like “ninjas” were subdued by a sword-wielding man during a home invasion, according to police in suburban Utah.

Ninjas against a guy with a sword!  Wow, if only this had happened a couple of years ago, it could have been a great episode of Big Love.  Here's the link to the whole story:

Security Breach

A man jumped the fence and made it into the White House.  How could that possibly happen?  That is a failure of such a magnitude that I have a hard time believing it.  I would sooner have thought someone had gotten into Fort Knox and run off with a few gold ingots.  With this kind of failure, there had best be a handful of firings at the Secret Service.

This is a timely breech of security.  Access to the White House is controlled to make sure that no one who intends harm to the President is allowed to enter.  By the same reasoning, we have borders and immigration laws.  It has been reported that Middle Easterners have been captured crossing the southern border.  Most likely, those who have been caught - and the inevitable fraction who slipped through - are only seeking a better life.  But we don't know for sure.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scotland Forever

Tomorrow, Scotland will have a vote on whether to break from the United Kingdom.  It is a peculiar development since Scotland didn't eagerly join the UK; I don't think Wales or Ireland joined eagerly either.  The Act of Union (1707) was mutually agreed upon by both nations.  Unlike Wales and Ireland, Scottish kings had ruled in England - the Stuarts - making Union less a conquest than a marriage.  However the Scots were led to union on account of a financial disaster.  It was a time of colonies in the New World and Scotland wanted to share in the bounty.  The country had put itself in great debt for the Darien Scheme which failed miserably.  Between disease and hostile Spaniards, the Panamanian colony of Scots was decimated.  The English piled on the disaster by seizing a would-be trade vessel.  In the wake of the catastrophe, union with England looked better than financial ruin.

Of course, most people probably think about Braveheart and William Wallace.  It has been 20 years since Mel Gibson portrayed a clean-shaven Wallace who supposedly had an affair with Princess Isabella and fathered Edward III.  Enjoyable though that film was, it was mostly fictional nonsense.  However, it did spawn a renewed desire for Scottish independence. 

Based on how the Scots vote for parliament, I suspect they will not be pleased with the end result.  Oh, sticking it to the English might please them and being the masters of their own destiny will be exciting for a while but Scotland is a small economy that has enjoyed benefits from a larger economy.  An independent Scotland will need to raise taxes to maintain the level of government it now enjoys.  Moreover, it might find itself shunned by the European Union lest the EU encourage more separatist movements.  I think independence would benefit them in the long run but be harsh in the short run.
Of special note, Sean Connery will come home if the Yes party wins.