Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I'm Batman!

If Bruce Jenner had come out and declared that he was actually Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as Batman, we would laugh.  If he pressed the point too long, his family would seek psychiatric help.  Instead, Bruce has declared that she is Caitlyn.  That is laudable, even brave according to many.

Being inclined toward libertarianism, I am not bothered by Caitlyn's choice.  It is her life.  Live it how you wish to live it.  What troubles me is the reaction of our culture to it.  Norms are a thing of the past.  Marriage shall be a compact of two (or more?) loving individuals.  An English woman married a dolphin!  Birth certificates will list parent 1 and parent 2 rather than mother and father.  There are even calls to remove the baby's gender from the birth certificate.  A tiny minority is not demanding just tolerance, but codification of its desires into the law.  A dictatorship of the minority. To many, my failure to openly embrace this transformation of societal norms is akin to hate speech.
At this rate, what will be the cause in 20 years?  What modern practice will turn out to be oppressive and discriminatory?  What civil right yet remains?

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