Friday, December 25, 2015

The Expanse

This new SyFy series takes place in the 23rd century, after humanity has managed to colonize the moon, Mars, various outer planetary moons, and the asteroid belt.  The story opens with a woman stuck in a cell in a weightless environment.  She manages to breakout and explore.  When she sees something inexplicable, she screams!

The story resumes on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, where Detective Joe Miller is given an off-the-books assignment to find a missing rich girl, none other than the woman in the opening scene.  Elsewhere, the ice hauler Canterbury is returning to Ceres from Saturn where it collected giant blocks of ice from the rings.  They receive a distress call, which they initially ignore but later investigate.  A team of 5 take a shuttle to board the stricken ship.  It proves to be a trap!
Solar politics is a big theme in the series, mostly explored through Chrisjen Avasarala, a UN bigwig who has no qualms about being ruthless despite her apparently affable facade.  The UN governs all the moons and outposts through the solar system except for Mars, which is independent.  There is a movement among the 'Belters' to likewise become independent.  Belters appears to be anyone who is neither an Earther nor a Martian, the largest population of them being on Ceres.  The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) - a group that claims to represent the Belters - is generally viewed as a terrorist organization.  There is a lot of tension between Earth and Mars as well.
The setting feels very real.  The technology doesn't seem quite advanced enough but still beyond what currently exists.  Ships have gravity by accelerating, not by some magical artificial gravity machine; there are times when characters are weightless.  It felt a lot like 2001: A Space Odyssey without the psychedelic light show at the end.
If the first 4 episodes are indicative of the first season, this is going to be an awesome show.  Highly recommended, so far.

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