Sunday, March 5, 2017

Schumer Voted for the Wall

Here is an article in which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to filibuster the wall and, to read it, one would think Schumer has a good shot.  However, the legislation for the wall is already passed: Secure Fence Act of 2006.  Schumer voted Yea.  Therefore, the only thing needed for building the fence is a check.  That can be done through reconciliation, which only requires 51 votes.  Hey, that's how the Democrats managed to ram through the Affordable Care Act even after they lost the 60 vote majority in the Senate.  Of course, the Republicans may play along and pretend that they have no means of overcoming Schumer's parliamentary tricks.  Voters with short memories will believe it.  If such does come to pass, look for Trump to start tweeting about spineless Republicans.

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