Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Director Comey, You're Fired!

President Trump has fired FBI Director Comey.  Though Comey surely deserves to be fired for his ham-fisted handling of the agency during the presidential campaign, this is going to trigger a firestorm of controversy and obviously be painted at Trump trying to quash the Russia investigation.  Even though many Democrats will probably cheer at Comey's firing, none will allow this PR windfall to go unexploited.  Of course, had Hillary been elected president, I suspect Comey would have been fired already.

Comey's greatest failing was his July press conference in which he 'cleared' Senator Clinton by announcing that no charges would be filed.  If no charges were going to be filed, he should have shut up.  He had no business delineating what sounded like a series of crimes only to then announce that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.  If that is so, you shouldn't be having a press conference.  Don't commit character assassination when there is no indictment.  Besides, it is the job of DOJ prosecutors to indict, not the FBI.  That press conference was a political show.  Was he having a temper tantrum in response to Attorney General Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona the previous week?  If so, that was highly unprofessional on his part.  If he thought the fix was in, he should have resigned in protest and then had a press conference.
Though Comey richly deserved to be fired, doing so looks to be a political loser.  I don't see any benefits for Trump or his administration by dumping Comey but lots of downside.  The Russian collusion story, which had died to a low simmer after the cruise missile strike on Syria, will come roaring back to life now.  Then again, Comey managed to infuriate both political parties and is unlikely to earn much sympathy from the public.  Comey may be unpopular enough that his firing is not as controversial as it might seem.

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