Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ignorant by Design

According to this survey, Americans are clueless about the 1st Amendment and the three branches of the government.  Virtually the first things you learn about the federal government in even the most basic civics class and near 40% are unaware.  This is intentional.  The education system is run by government, for government.  Government, especially one that craves money and power, will benefit if the citizens don't know when government is overstepping.  Government is spending more money on education than ever and yet the level of ignorance is jaw-dropping.  That is not an accident.
Abolish public education and watch ignorance evaporate.  When parents are given back their tax dollars and get to pick from among competing schools, schools will rapidly improve.  Imagine a Yelp for schools in which hundreds of parents or older students offer reviews.  Mobile phones haven't seen astonishing improvement because of an overarching government agency and schools won't either.  Let's use the iPhone/Android competition model to improve our schools rather than the one-size-fits-all government model that has achieved decades of mediocrity.

1 comment:

Hicsum said...

Here is a timely article on the subject: