Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Russian Collusion Story Flips on its Head

It is now revealed that the Clinton Campaign and the DNC paid Fusion GPS for the Trump Dossier, the largely discredited 'intelligence' that sparked the story that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia.  Of particular note, the British spy, Chris Steele, was paying Russians to assemble his dossier.  This brings up an obvious question: If the Russians were trying to get Trump elected, why produce a dossier that would hurt his chances?
During the campaign, the dossier made the rounds but none of the stories could be verified so no one jumped on the story.  After all, the polls showed that Hillary was a shoe-in and an unverifiable dossier was likely to hurt the media outlet that published it while not changing the election.  However, when Trump actually won, the Democrats knew they were in dire straits.  If Hillary had won, the surveillance and unmasking of Trump Campaign operatives would never have been revealed.  Now it was inevitable that these shenanigans would be made public and a cover story was needed posthaste!  Well, there was this Trump Dossier.  Bingo!
James Comey briefed Trump on the dossier and, amazingly, that briefing was immediately leaked to the media.   The dossier was now newsworthy, regardless of its validity.  Huh, that's convenient.  Comey's later actions in leaking memos of his meetings with President Trump for the specific purpose of getting an Independent Counsel named make this briefing and associated leak much more suspicious.
It sure looks like the deep state has gone to great efforts to derail Trump's presidency before his administration could expose this trail of questionable and probably criminal behavior.  Now the 2010 Uranium One deal that saw $145 million dollars 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton getting $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow look a lot more like collusion with Russia than the fiction to be found in the Trump Dossier.  That the US sold 20% of its uranium to Russia during the Obama Administration does not reflect well on President Obama either.  Many of the people in charge of investigating the Trump-Russia collusion are the very people who turned a blind eye when the Clintons were enriched by Russians.  There is a reason that it is called the swamp.

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