Monday, February 12, 2018

Portrait Disaster

The portrait for President Barack Obama has been unveiled and it is a travesty.  Is this supposed to be a picture from the days of the Choom Gang?  Compared to the portraits with which it will be displayed, this is the equivalent of attending a black tie dinner while wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a tank top.  Then there is his pose.  He looks like he might be on the toilet.  The crossed-arms make him defensive.  This isn't a Lincoln pose, it is not at all commanding.  At best, I would call it 'attentive' though he doesn't seem to realize he is about to be consumed by the ivy.  I have never been a fan of Obama but this is a terrible portrait.  Almost any random picture of him would be far better than this - the man is very photogenic.  Here is the picture that is the place holder for his portrait:
Turn that into a painting and it is far superior to what has been produced.
Michelle Obama didn't fair much better than her husband.

This is a bland and lifeless painting.  The colors are washed out like it has faded.  If someone had shown this to me without telling me who it was, I would not have guessed Michelle Obama.  Like her husband, the place holder photograph is much better
I recently saw the series The Crown, which deals with the early years of Queen Elizabeth's reign.  At one point, Winston Churchill is given a portrait which he finds objectionable.  He burned it in his yard.  The Obamas might want to follow in his footsteps.  Of course, the painting is now considered a lost masterpiece so perhaps they should hide them in the basement until they reach masterpiece status.

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