Friday, July 13, 2018

More Pointless Indictments

Does anyone think that the American military is not actively hacking networks in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Turkey, and countless other nations?  If they aren't, I am disappointed in US intelligence.  Should we extradite to these countries if they indict our hackers?  Obviously not.  This is pure idiocy.  Of course they are hacking us and we are hacking them.  These same indictments could be applied to most of our international adversaries and probably many of our allies.  This is what intelligence agencies do.  Just think of James Bond: he crosses borders illegally, breaks into secure locations, steals secret plans, assassinates enemy spies, and so forth.  This is not a court fight.  The only reason these bogus indictments exist is to feed the Russian Collusion narrative.  After all, if we can indict Russian hackers, why not indict the Russian soldiers who shot down an airliner over Ukraine?  Maybe we can indict the North Koreans who hacked Sony and put their extradition on the list of items for the next summit.  Then we can indict the Chinese hackers who stole American technology.  Foreign policy by indictment.
Maybe the Russians went to the equivalent of the FISA court in Moscow and got a warrant to hack US servers in much the same way that the FBI got a warrant to investigate Russian links to Trump's campaign.  Heck, look at what Snowden exposed on how the US government hacks its citizens but I should care about Russian hackers.  Ha.

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