Sunday, July 14, 2019

President Troll

The Democrats are in the midst of a civil war.  The squad, led by AOC, is accusing Speaker Pelosi of being a racist.  Republicans break out the popcorn.  After all, if your opponent is making a fool of herself, the age old advice is to stand back and watch.  President Trump chose otherwise.  He tweeted that the squad should return to their countries of origin, even stating that Nancy Pelosi would be only too happy to make travel arrangements.  PowerLine holds that this was an unforced error that will haunt Trump.  No, I don't think so.  Why not?

To Democrats and Never Trumpers, everything Trump says or does is wrong.

Trump has sided with Nancy Pelosi over AOC and the Squad.

Democrats who side with Speaker Pelosi will be in agreement with Trump.  Unacceptable.

Democrats who side with the Squad will exacerbate the civil war.

Though beloved by the SJW left, the Squad is viewed unfavorably nationwide.  AOC has a 22% favorability while Ilhan Omar has a 9% favorability.

By siding with the more moderate wing of the Democrats, Trump herds Trump-hating Democrats toward the more leftist side and improves his re-election chances.
The veracity of his tweet is irrelevant.  He's trolling.

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