Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Impeachment Folly

Rand Paul (R - KY) raised a point of order in the Senate: he stated that it was unconstitutional to have an impeachment trial against a private citizen.  The vote was 55 to 45 against him.  However, in order to convict, it is necessary to have two thirds (67) of the senators vote to convict.  It has just been demonstrated that acquittal (34) is a forgone conclusion.  Furthermore, Chief Justice Roberts has declined to preside.  With conviction impossible, this becomes a pointless waste of time.

Alan Dershowitz, who agrees that it is unconstitutional, says Trump should ignore the proceedings.  It is invalid and doesn't deserve any recognition.  But what if Trump attends?  The Democrats and the media, who have so effectively silenced him by banning him from social media, will be handing him a national stage.  Confident in acquittal, why not take the opportunity to rant about whatever he wants.

One thing an impeachment trial is certain not to be is unifying.  Trump and the Republicans did not pursue Hillary after the 2016 election despite the 'lock her up' chants.  The Democrats would be best served by ignoring Trump rather than bringing him back as a punching bag.  Right now, if he complains, it will look petty and sore loser.  If the Democrats drag him to a trial, the optics change.

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