Tuesday, December 28, 2021

History Debunked

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."
- George Orwell

Recently, I happened upon a YouTube channel: History Debunked.  The host has written several books on history that cover unusual subjects: The Suffragette Bombers, British Concentration Camps, The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam, and many others.  He discusses these topics on his channel.  However, most of his recent videos - which are numerous - touch upon the rapidly changing demographics of the UK and efforts to convince the populace that it has always been thus.  To hear him tell it, Winston Smith is working diligently at the BBC to convince the voters that populations of African and Indian people have been present since Roman times.  This is absurd.  However, three years ago, I watched Mary, Queen of Scots and was annoyed by the anachronistic casting.  Was this just another effort to convince the viewer that the British Isles had been multicultural for centuries?  That strikes me as crazy.  Then again, I have a degree in history and read history books for entertainment.  Most people only learn what is taught through high school, which is very basic.  I have often been amazed at how little history many people know.

History Debunked mostly discusses England and the English, but, as the center of the Anglosphere, that has had ripples throughout the world.  Definitely worth a look.  Recommended.

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