Friday, January 7, 2022

Quark (1977)

It is the distant future and Adam Quark (Richard Benjamin) commands a garbage scow that trolls the galaxy for space baggies.  The ridiculous crew consists of Betty and her clone, also named Betty.  There is Gene/Jean, who is a transmute; he/she has chromosomes of both sexes and shifts between masculine and feminine personalities.  Dr. Mudd is the one-eyed science officer.  Lastly, there is Andy the extremely rudimentary robot.  Quark also has a pet blob named Ergo, which seems intent on eating Quark.

While on patrol, the ship is threatened by an approaching wave of energy that will atomize them before sweeping through the galaxy and erasing human civilization.  Are our heroes doomed in the pilot episode or will they save the galaxy?

This goofball sci-fi comedy was created by Buck Henry, best remembered for creating the spy comedy Get Smart.  The pilot happened to be broadcast just when Star Wars was released.  The show only received one season and is quite campy.

Goofy fun from a bygone era.

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