Saturday, March 19, 2022

Dossier Refuted, Laptop Confirmed

Before Trump was inaugurated, the Steele Dossier was published with many accusations that claimed Trump colluded with Russia to get elected.  He was a puppet of Putin.  Of course, of the last 4 presidents, it was only during Trump's term that Putin didn't invade another country.  Odd that he missed that obvious opportunity.  Of course, it was eventually discovered that Christopher Steele - a British Spy - had gleaned all his information from Russians at the behest of the Clinton Campaign.  None of the supposed kompramat was ever produced.  The Mueller Report offered a variety of 'obstruction of justice' accusations against the president that were so pathetic that the Congress couldn't muster an impeachment for them.  However, the Russian Collusion story lasted the entirety of Trump's term and the walls were forever closing in.  The media could not get enough of it.  In the end, it was a nothingburger.

In the days before the 2020 election, big news appeared in the New York Post: Hunter Biden's laptop showed that he had used his father's connections as Vice-President to secure jobs and financial deals with various foreign companies.  He received $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch, a $50K/month position with Burisma in Ukraine, and a multimillion dollar deal with China.  Then there were the pictures of Hunter with a crackpipe.  In response to this breaking news, NYP was banned from Twitter.  Media outlets across the board announced that it was Russian Disinformation.  During one of the presidential debates, Joe Biden declared that it had been debunked.  Now, 17 months later, the New York Times has admitted that the laptop was Hunter Biden's.  Emails found on it have been confirmed and have been useful in a tax investigation.

The media had the Steele Dossier prior to the 2016 election but could confirm none of it.  No one published it.  However, when James Comey mentioned it to President Trump, now it was valid news.  Buzzfeed rushed to publish and the feeding frenzy began.  By that precedent, one would think a similar attitude would apply to a laptop that had far better provenance than the dossier.  Nope.  The media had a demonstrated animosity toward Trump and a story that might torpedo Biden would lead to a second Trump term.  Better to bury the story until Biden could be elected.

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