Thursday, August 11, 2022

FBI Raid vs. Phone Call

Not so long ago, President Trump called the president of Ukraine.  During that call, Trump wanted the president to investigate claims regarding Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Vice President Joe Biden calling for the firing of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.  Shokin had been investigating Burisma for corruption.  The phone call was leaked and accusations of quid pro quo and efforts to undermine a potential political opponent were raised.  Soon, an impeachment followed.  Of course, the video of Joe Biden demanding that Victor Shokin get fired or $1 billion in funding would be canceled was somehow not viewed as a quid pro quo.  In any case, the precedent is clear: if you investigate a potential political rival, you deserve impeachment.

On Monday, the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago.  More than a year and a half after he left office and strangely close to the midterm elections, the Biden Administration didn't merely ask the local authorities to maybe look into misappropriated documents.  No, they dispatched the FBI in force.  Is Trump a potential political rival to President Biden?  Indeed, he is. Looking at the recently established precedent, it seems that an impeachment is in order.  Right?

Luckily for President Biden, Republicans are spineless.  If they do reclaim the House and/or Senate, they will do nothing.  They may hold some pointless hearings, but they won't defund the FBI or the DOJ.  They certainly won't try an impeachment.  If they did impeach, the very media that was cheerleading the Trump impeachments will decry how this one is a threat to our democracy.  The media are mostly organs of the Democratic Party, just as is the bureaucratic state.  If the Republicans had a spine, they would use the power of the purse to starve the bureaucratic state that hates them.  Washington DC votes over 90% Democrat and yet the Republicans keep funding their enemies.

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