Sunday, August 20, 2023


H. Pearl Davis has burst upon the scene, a YouTuber who has exploded in popularity in recent months.  She has picked up the complaints of MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) channels and added her observations to them.  She states that modern women would be regarded very poorly (I dare not use her descriptions here) by standards of an earlier era.  Where men were supposed to be providers and offer protection, she states that women would bring purity and youth.  That does go back quite a way, certainly before the sexual revolution.  This is hardly the most controversial thing she says.  Recently, she adopted the idea that women shouldn't vote!  She regularly states that men are better at everything than women.  Men are smarter than women and men are less gullible.  It is hardly surprising that she is viewed as a misogynist by her critics.

According to Pearl, men get a raw deal in marriage.  A woman who comes to a marriage as a virgin is 80% likely to stay with her husband.  However, one who has had 5 or more partners, is only 20% likely to stay.  If the woman does leave, she will take the kids, half the household value, and continue to cost her ex-husband through either alimony or child support.

Her rocket-like rise reminds me of Milo Yiannopoulus, who was suddenly everywhere in 2014.  Here was this new personality that was inexplicably everywhere and remained so for several years.  Then there was his collapse in 2017.  Is Pearl just the latest personality to rise to the top and destined to crash into oblivion?  A flash in the pan?  How likely is it that she can resurrect the taboos and mores of an earlier era?

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