Sunday, May 5, 2024

Attack on Titan (Season 2)

The fight between titans in the heart of human civilization has hardly ended when word arrives that titans have breached Wall Rose!  Without time to even gear up, the troops rush into the field to be confront the invading titans and also to locate and seal the breach.  En route the wall, some teams stop in various towns and villages to warn the locals about the rampaging titans.  To the surprise of many, one town has been severely damaged but there is no blood.  Did everyone escape?  If so, why did they leave their horses?  And what is the explanation for the one titan that is too weak to move?  How did it get there?  To make things more complicated, both the colossal titan and the armored titan reappear and snatch Eren.

Carrying on the story from the first season, there are huge reveals that expand the mystery.  The link between humans and titans is closer than expected.  The religious leader, Minister Nick, apparently knows the secret of the titans but is forbidden by his faith from revealing it!  What does this portend?  Early on, an unusual ape-like titan is introduced; he proves to be both intelligent and capable of speech.  Is he the mastermind behind the current attack?  What are his goals and why is he so interested in the grappling gear that the soldiers use to fight titans?  Eren's only recently awakened powers expand, making him more formidable to the titans and their allies.  He is so valuable to humanity's defense that the leader of the Scouts - Erwin Smith - risks the lives of every member of his command to protect Eren.

Though only half as long as the first season (12 episodes vs. 25), it manages to dramatically expand the story and delve into the motivations of many of the characters.  There are multiple flashbacks to further develop the main three (Eren, Mikasa, and Armin), but also to explore other important support characters (Reiner, Connie, Ymir, Hannes, Bertolt, and Historia).

Great popcorn fun and recommended.

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