Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arizona's Immigration Law

There is much fuss about Arizona's new law that allows local police to check immigration status. I am of two minds on this. The borders are the responsibility of the federal government, so one could say that AZ is usurping that power. However, the Feds have failed for decades to secure the borders and it is the states that pay the price. It is regularly reported that 10 million people are illegally in the United States. That is about 1 in 30 people in the country! The feds have demonstrably failed to maintain the border and now AZ has decided to make a move.

There is surely a political motive here. Governor Brewer is running for reelection and the law is overwhelmingly supported by the citizens of AZ. Even John McCain, proponent of Amnesty during the Bush Administration, has reversed his views in this election year. Suddenly, McCain has proposed a Border Security Plan that says nothing about amnesty or guest workers. Elections focus a politician's mind on what the voters actually want.

It is an amazing thing but if a law is not enforced, people tend to break it more often. I know, wild isn't it! Obama has complained that the new AZ law "undermines basic notions of fairness." Really? It's unfair that illegal aliens are held to account for their illegal entry into the country? You know, if the Feds did their job, this law would never have been introduced, passed, or signed in AZ.

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