Friday, April 2, 2010

Social Security Flipping Point

When I was a senior in high school, I took a political science class. The instructor was Mr. Lindfors. One day, he called for a show of hands of those who thought there would be no Social Security when we retired. The result was a majority. Here, a bunch of 17 and 18 year-old kids knew in 1984/5 that Social Security was a Ponzi scheme which would rob us but never benefit us. And, unlike a Madoff-type Ponzi scheme, we were required to invest! Thanks to forced contributions, the system has been 'solvent' during the intervening 25 years.

During that time, the government has been able to get away with excessive spending by 'borrowing' from Social Security Revenues. Social Security has generated more tax revenue than it spent, which allowed the Feds to spend the excess while placing an IOU in the Al Gore's "Lockbox." This year, Social Security has generated less revenue than it spent. Now, instead of spending the excess, the Feds must start paying back those IOUs. The timing could hardly be worse. The government has just passed a new health care entitlement that needs funding and finds that the magic income stream from Social Security has reversed course. Hard budget decisions must be made soon. Those decisions have been exacerbated by the passage of Obamacare, a program that will make Social Security seem cheap by comparison.

Social Security has an unfunded liability of more than $14 trillion. Sadly, it is in third place among America's unfunded liabilities. George W. Bush's ill considered drug benefit is number 2 at $18.6 trillion. Medicare dwarfs them both, having an unfunded liability of $75 trillion. This is economy-crushing debt. It has been coming for decades. No one can be surprised. But as long as it seemed to be in the distant future, no one wanted to fix the problem. It has been a political third rail.

This is understandable. Those now benefiting from these programs had to pay for the previous generation to receive the benefits. "I paid for it, now it's my turn." I get that. However, I am currently paying for it and will never get it. I have viewed that money as gone the moment it left my pay check. Now that the time has come to ween the public from this unsustainable entitlement in order to save the Republic from bankruptcy, we have instead added a new entitlement.

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