Saturday, November 20, 2010

Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength

It is Warren Buffet redux. Yes, 40 millionaires have banded together as the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength and requested that their taxes be raised. When the Sage of Omaha proposed the same thing, I said he should just send the government a check. If these 40 want to pay more taxes, fine. Send in the money. The government will happily accept it and spend it. But demanding to have your taxes raised is also demanding that everyone else has their taxes raised.
These millionaires seem to believe what Joe Biden said: Paying taxes is patriotic. Hmm. This is a country founded on a tax revolt. Not paying taxes might be more patriotic. However, if they want to pay more, SEND IT IN and leave the rest of us out of your 'patriotism.'

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