Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oklahoma City Redux

Yes, already I read stories that Congresswoman Giffords was shot because of the vitriolic rhetoric from, just for example, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Movement. Those darned right wingers are pushing people to violence again. When Obama says you must 'punish your enemies' or wants to know 'whose ass to kick' or has his 'boot on the neck' or such, that isn't vitriolic rhetoric. However, when Sarah Palin 'targets' the 8th District in AZ with a graphic showing a cross hair, well, that's over the line. Of course someone is going to go on a shooting rampage.

Much like the guy who flew his plane into the IRS building last year, this guy is a crackpot. I watched a couple of his YouTube slide shows and they were pretty kooky. He really does talk about mind control through grammar and declares that sadly only 5% of Americans dream. Of interest, he had a list of his favorite books on his profile. Nothing by any contemporary right wingers but he did mention We The Living (Ayn Rand), The Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx), Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler), The Republic (Plato), and Meno (Plato). Notably missing are any books by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, Bill Buckley, etc. A classmate of his reportedly says he was a left winger.

As a congresswoman has been shot, there is already a push to provide security for all members of congress. I vote no. You don't change policy for one incident. When congressmen are being gunned down on a regular basis, then we can talk. If we change nothing, the vast majority (99%+)of congressmen will be fine. In any case, we can't afford yet another federal agency.

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