Monday, August 13, 2012

Debt Crisis Ignored by Democrats

I check the US Debt Clock (link in the left column) about once a week.  I first learned of it in November of 2009, when US debt broke $12 trillion, per citizen debt was $39,000, and per taxpayer debt was $111,000.  Things are much worse now:

  • US National Debt: $15.7 trillion (source: US Treasury)
  • Gross Debt to GDP Ratio: 104% (US Treasury)
  • Debt per citizen: $50,827 (US Treasury)
  • Debt per Taxpayer: $139,890 (US Treasury; Federal Reserve)
  • Budget Deficit: $1.27 trillion (Congressional Budget Office)
  • Net Interest on the Debt: $225 billion a year (US Treasury)
  • Social Security Liability: $15.8 trillion (Federal Reserve)
  • Prescription Drug Liability: $21 trillion (Federal Reserve)
  • Medicare Liability: $83 trillion (Federal Reserve)
  • US Unfunded Liabilities: $120 trillion (Federal Reserve)
  • Liability per Taxpayer: $1,052,598 (Federal Reserve)

These are dire numbers that don't include a fully implemented Obamacare.  The anemic economy, high unemployment, and expanded use of social services make the situation that much worse.  VP nominee Paul Ryan proposed a plan to bring this under control, making spending sustainable.  He has been savaged as a radical and extremist by President Obama and the Democrats.  The President has proposed raising taxes on those making $250K or more a year, which might sate the class warriors but will do nothing for the debt crisis.

According to the numbers, my 6 week-old sons are each $51K in hock and it will get vastly worse when they become taxpayers: $1.2 million.  None of these social programs will survive long enough for them to benefit; in fact, on the current trajectory, they won't survive for me to benefit.  They will pay for them though, through high taxes or a crippled economy.

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