Monday, August 11, 2014

Romney Returns

I will be the first to say that I would far prefer to have had Mitt Romney as president for the last two years than Barack Obama.  That said, he had his shot.  He had the best shot of any challenger of a sitting president in more than 30 years.  With a disastrous economy, collapsing foreign policy, and high and persistent unemployment, Romney lost.  Millions of Republicans sat at home rather than go to the polls and vote Romney.  Many of them may be regretting that decision in light of the further collapse of foreign policy (e.g. Ukraine, Iraq, Israel-Palestine) and the still floundering economy but that is not a reason to vote for Romney in 2016.
While ads savaged Romney for the death by cancer of the wife of a man who had several years earlier lost his job and health insurance when Bain Capital closed his factory, Mitt ran no such attack ads against President Obama.  There were no ads that the president left Americans to die in Benghazi.  There were no ads about Fast and Furious.  There weren't even ads about the president's numerous golf outings (playing golf was practically a war crime during the Bush Presidency).  McCain ran the same campaign four years earlier and Romney didn't learn from that.  Will he play hardball in 2016?  I doubt it.
If he can't get votes against someone with an unimpressive four year record, how is he going to get votes against a blank slate?  There is a reason that neither party reruns a loser.

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