Monday, November 10, 2014

Lack of Transparency a Benefit

Here is a great clip from one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act:

If the legislation had been clear on what it would do, it would never have passed.  Without deception, Obamacare could not have been foisted on the country.  And even with the lack of transparency and repeated lies (e.g. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan"), the law still only passed thanks to legislative legerdemain.  The state of Massachusetts, a liberal bastion that hadn't elected a Republican Senator in decades, elected a Republican who ran on the slogan of being the 41st vote to stop Obamacare!  And still the Democrats pushed it through and Obama signed it.  They knew that the people didn't want it.  It was a power grab, an opportunity to take control of a huge portion of the American economy.
Once again, this should be an object lesson.  Politicians are rarely interested in serving the people.  They are more interested in getting more and more power to tell the people what they must do.  The Founders knew that government was more likely to be an oppressor than a benefactor.  The bigger it gets, the more tyrannical it can afford to be.  What Gruber said here reflects the thoughts of President Obama.

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