Sunday, November 23, 2014

WMDs in Iraq

Yes, all these years later, the New York Times discovers that President Bush was not lying when he said Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Not only were thousands of such weapons destroyed by the US Military during Bush's term, but many have been destroyed since Obama became president.  I would say that he must have known about the WMDs once he became President but it always seems he gets his briefings by reading the papers (e.g. IRS Scandal, Obamacare Rollout Fumble, Jonathan Gruber, etc.).

President Bush crippled himself and his party by not disclosing this at the time.  The constant refrain of "Bush lied, people died" was left unchallenged and it took hold.  I have spent years saying we found chemical and biological weapons.  It has been to no avail since I have changed no minds.  The story that none were found sank into the consciousness of America and now, even after this revelation, I don't think that will change in my lifetime.  It is too late.  Much like Joe McCarthy has been tarred as a villain despite being proved correct in his claims of communists in the government, the WMD story will remain Bush lied.

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