Thursday, September 17, 2015

Importing Voters

With about 8.8 million legal residents in the country who are eligible to become citizens, White House officials said they were trying to make it easier to complete the final steps to citizenship.

The officials said they had started the campaign this week because Thursday is Citizenship Day. But the White House is also aware of federal figures showing that about 60 percent of immigrants eligible to naturalize are Latino and about 20 percent are Asian, both groups that voted overwhelmingly for President Obama. Nearly a third of legal permanent residents eligible to naturalize are Mexican.
New York Times
Why try to convince the citizens that your prescriptions for the nation are best when you could just import more voters who are inclined to your viewpoint?  This is why the Democrats are not at all troubled by illegal immigration.  Look what happened to California.  Here was a state that was regularly electing Republican governors and was often in the Republican column in presidential elections.  Now the state doesn't have a single Republican in statewide office and it is in the Democrat column of every presidential election.
From 1820 to 1960, 80% of all immigrants came from Europe.  The majority of them were from Germany, Ireland, Italy, and the UK.  Only 14% came from the Americas, the vast majority of those from Canada.  Only 3% of all migrants from 1820 to 1960 were from Mexico.  Also during that 140 year period, only 3% of migrants were from Asia.
From 1960 to 1990, the pattern was turned on its head.  Europe only accounted for 17% of all migrants in that period.  Asia rocketed to 32% of all migrants while the Americas now accounted for 48% of immigrants.  No longer were Canadians the biggest portion of that group; Mexico took the top spot, providing 4 times as many immigrants as Canada.  In fact, Mexico alone accounted for more immigrants (2.7 million) than all of Europe (2.6 million).
This shift in American immigration was not by chance.  As noted by the New York Times, Latinos are more likely to vote Democrat.  The more Latinos that can be imported and made voters, the better the election returns are for the Democrats.  Again, witness California.  From 1952 to 1988, California voted Republican for President in all but 1 election.  From 1992 to present, it has gone Democrat.  It is no coincidence that this shift occurred after Reagan had signed an Amnesty in 1986 with promises of border security and immigration enforcement that have worked out SO well.
In much the same way that Europe is transforming into Eurostan thanks to a huge influx of Muslim immigrants who are far more fertile than the native populations, the United States is on a similar path of transformation by a different set of migrants who are more fertile.  If a nation doesn't control its borders, it ceases to be a nation.  The elites who live in gated communities are sadly indifferent to cultural shifts brought about by such uncontrolled immigration.
The voters understand this.  It is why they crushed George W. Bush's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (i.e. Amnesty) in 2007.  It is why Trump, who founded his campaign on opposition to illegal immigration, is so dominant.  The legal immigration is bad enough, why exacerbate it with illegal immigration?


Hicsum said...

An interesting article from the Atlantic that says much the same:
Of course, I don't think there was anything 'inadvertent' about it.

Hicsum said...

And here is an article from Politico that notes the power shifts in the electoral college on account of population distributions that include illegal aliens:
Therefore, even if they can't vote, their mere presence is beneficial. Why would the Democrats want to keep out illegal immigrants again?