Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Uninformed Electorate

"Wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government."
Thomas Jefferson

I stumbled upon the following story today.  It is not the first of its kind nor, sadly, will it be the last.

Here is yet more evidence that the American Electorate is not well informed.  It is no wonder that so many accept Global Warming/Climate Change.  Lacking any foundation upon which to judge claims, it quickly becomes impossible to make informed decisions.  Last year, I posted a link to a YouTube video in which college students were quizzed about American government and politics; the results were disastrous.

When Davy Crockett returned to his district in Tennessee after a term in Congress, he had a farmer demanding for him to explain some of his votes and where the Constitution gave him the right to provide charity from the treasury.  Here was an informed voter.  Elected officials do not like informed voters because informed voters can hold them to account.  On the other hand, uninformed voters will numbly nod to whatever a politician says:

"There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate."
Barack Obama, Sept 23, 2014

Plenty of skepticism has been published here regarding the Climate Change Hoax.  It is a government power grab to get more taxpayer dollars and further limit freedom through 'common sense regulations.'

It is not by accident that our public education system is producing an uninformed electorate.  That is its purpose.  To whatever degree students are informed, it is indoctrination in favor of larger and more intrusive government.  An armed (2nd Amendment) and informed (1st Amendment Freedom of the Press) electorate was meant to prevent the growth of over-reaching government.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground."
Thomas Jefferson

In the long game, it looks like the government is winning, just as Jefferson predicted.

1 comment:

Hicsum said...

Just found this and it further makes my point of how uniformed the electorate is.