Saturday, October 10, 2015

Syria Strategy in Shambles

President Obama is currently back on his gun control crusade, now considering executive action that he once said was beyond his authority.  Just like immigration reform was beyond his authority until he did it anyway.  And Congress let him get away with it.  Before the Oregon shooting, Obama had moved from the 'success' of his Iran Deal to his Climate Change Crusade.  He wants to talk about anything not related to his Middle East policy.  Here are a few things that have happened regarding Syria in just the last month or so:

Aug 23: Even proponents say Iran Nuke Deal just kicks the can 15 years down the road.

Sept 3: Iran dismisses claims that Iran Deal will restrict their military ambitions.  Even as Obama was still trying to push the deal in Congress, Iran is diminishing its value.

Sept 9: Russian troops in joint operations with Syrian forces.  This is not good news for the anti-Assad rebels that we are supporting.

Sept 10: Democrats defeat Republican effort to nix Iran Deal.

Sept 11: NATO surprised by Russian move into Syria.  This speaks wonders for our intelligence agencies.

Sept 12: Look, Iran has more uranium than we thought.  Somehow, I suspect Obama had this information related to him in a Presidential Daily Brief some time in advance of his lobbying Congress to pass his nuke deal.

Sept 14: Russia deploys tanks at Syrian airfield.  The US doesn't have any tanks in Syria.  We are suddenly losing the arms race in Syria.

Sept 16: Ballistic Missiles development not part of deal.  Well, that's good news.  We've delayed nukes for 15 years - if they don't cheat (pay not attention to the story above about unexpected uranium) - but they will have fully developed delivery capacity waiting for the warheads.  Awesome.

Sept 18: Russia deploys Tactical Fighter Jets to Syrian base.  This can't be good.  First tanks, now fighters jets.

Sept 22: Russia establishing bases in Syria.  And now Syria is more firmly in the Russian sphere of influence.  While the US draws out of the Middle East, Russia is gladly moving in.

Sept 27: Russia and Iran ally with Syria's Assad, making Obama's official policy of Assad's removal all that much more unlikely.

Sept 29: Iran purchase aircraft and satellites from Russia.  Yes, Iran is also firmly in the Russian sphere of influence.

Oct 1: Iranian troops headed to Syria to help Assad.  US Syrian policy in collapse.

Oct 1: Russia begins airstrikes in Syria, but not against ISIS.  US supported rebels targeted.

Oct 2: Putin declares Syrian no-fly zone.  The US used to have a monopoly on Middle Eastern no-fly zones.

Oct 4: US proposes ramping up pressure on ISIS in Syria.  We're getting outmaneuvered!  We'd better do something soon.

Oct 7: Iran refuses any further talks with US.  After a complete victory like the nuke deal, there's no point in more talks.

Oct 7: Russia supports Syrian offensive with cruise missiles.  The US used to have a monopoly on Middle Eastern cruise missile use.

Oct 9: Iran Nuke Deal violates federal law.  That's all well and good but it's not going to prevent President Obama from lifting sanctions.  Federal law hasn't been an impediment to much of his policy so far.

Oct 10: US abandons training Syrian resistance to combat ISIS.  Yes, time to throw in the towel.

Obama was never serious about fighting ISIS.  He had to 'do something' because of the beheading of US citizens.  He did as little as he could.  If I know that, Russia and Iran know that too.  And they have gladly moved in to take advantage of American weakness.  As Obama shows weakness at each provocation, America's enemies get bolder.  This next year is not going to be a good one for US foreign policy and that's why the gun control crusade is a top priority again.

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