Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Tale of Two Stories

French TV BLASTS Racist Republicans for Blaming Attacks on Refugees

At least one man linked to Paris attacks registered as refugee

I did enjoy how the first story claims to have the correct response to Islamaphobia.  Of course, I don't think there is any such thing as Islamaphobia.  Let's look at the definition of a phobia:

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.
There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam, even for a Muslim.  Sunnis and Shi'ites have been slaughtering one another for centuries.  ISIS is actively seeking to infiltrate other countries to commit exactly the sort of atrocities that just occurred in Paris.  Certainly, the governments of the West have not gone to disproportionate lengths to avoid Islam.  No, they view Muslims as victims who need special treatment and understanding.  It is obvious that the West has failed to take adequate precautions against Islam.  There is no phobia when the fear is entirely justified.  Of course, the term was created to allow Islam access to victimhood and the right to not be offended.  Ah, multiculturalism and political correctness, is there no end to your bounty?
Though Europe is up in arms now, I fully expect this to die down and things to drift back to the status quo.  After all, the US absorbed a 9/11 attack and quit fighting without winning.  Europe will do the same.  It will have to get much, much worse before the West commits to victory.

1 comment:

Hicsum said...

Though I generally agree with the article, I don't see Obama taking either of the choices that Goodwin offers. Obama will stay the course until the end of his Presidency. I hope I am wrong in that prediction.