Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Why the Terrorists are Winning

Just read an interesting article about an atheist professor who gladly criticizes Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, but steps gingerly around Islam.  Why?  Fear of reprisals.


With previous enemies, the United States has been only too happy to demean and dehumanize them.  Watch some of the Disney cartoons that were anti-axis.  The Japanese were depicted in a way that is now considered extremely racist.  There was no fear of upsetting Hitler, Mussolini, or Emperor Hirohito.  They were the enemy.  In war, it is often necessary to dehumanize the enemy lest the horror of what is being done cripple the war effort.  There is a reason that Muslims say that Jews are descended from pigs and America is the Great Satan.

I am not proposing that we start some propaganda campaign that vilifies all Muslims but we sure as heck should not be afraid to merely point out some obvious issues.  As the article notes, Muslim bakeries also refused to make a cake for a gay wedding but there was no firestorm of protest.  Why not?  Fear.  You want to see a real War on Women?  Go to a Muslim country and take a look at the Burqas and that women can't leave the house unescorted by a male relative.  Driving a car?  Certainly not in Saudi Arabia.  Gay rights?  Ha!  ISIS tosses gays from tall buildings to their death.  Iran publicly hangs gays from cranes.  But George W. Bush kept telling us that Islam is a religion of peace.
Arabic is the fastest growing language group in the United States.  Tens of thousands of Syrians are coming to America thanks to Obama's brilliant Middle East strategy.  This only serves to give the professor growing cause to be fearful.  Several of the crazed gunmen in recent years were legal Muslim immigrants.  The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim immigrants who were on welfare!  We were supporting them with tax dollars while they were planning to kills us!  The Chattanooga shooter was a legal Muslim immigrant.  More than a dozen others have been arrested before they were able to carry out plots against America.  This after we created a Department of Homeland Security.
In cases like these, deport the rest of the family.  If this is the sort of fruit that these immigrants are bearing, that family tree needs to be uprooted and sent packing.  Of course, that won't happen until the problem gets much, much worse.
The US has not seen the sort of assassinations of critics of Islam that have occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia.  Professor Zuckerman is overly cautious.  However, it is only a matter of time before it arrives on our shores, all the more likely thanks to our suicidal immigration laws.  In the long game, Islam is stealing a march (as Wellington said of Napoleon).  Why kill us now if they can demographically overwhelm us in several decades?  Europe is well on the way to being Eurostan.

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