Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Incompetence, Not Fatigue

Though I have yet to see the movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story is underperforming.  A Variety story describes it as a "rare misstep."  There is talk of Star Wars fatigue.  Here we have the 4th Star Wars film in the latest run and we've already hit fatigue but Marvel will - with Ant-Man and The Wasp - pump out its 20th film in the last 10 years and suffers no fatigue?  That does not include X-Men, Deadpool, and Fantastic Four movies.  Then you have all the Netflix and TV series.  There have been hits and misses - mostly hits - but no fatigue.  The problem with Star Wars isn't oversaturation but bad storytelling.
The Last Jedi flushed Luke Skywalker down the toilet.  The man who surrendered himself to the Empire and the Emperor in a likely futile attempt to save his dark side father is also the man who decided it might be a good idea to murder Han Solo and Princess Leia's son - his nephew! - because he sensed that he was leaning toward the dark side.  Yeah, sounds like the same guy.  He is a completely different character and whatever journey that took him from selfless hero to pathetic hermit is completely absent.  There is no arc.  He just sucks now.  Deal with it.  Love, Rian Johnson.
By contrast, Rey is a goddess for no apparent reason.  Let's consider Luke in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.   Luke got his butt kicked by Sand People (saved by Obi-Wan), nearly thrashed at the Mos Eisley Cantina (saved again by Obi-Wan), nearly killed by Darth Vader (saved by Han Solo and Chewie), stomped by a Wampa (saved himself for a change), nearly frozen to death (saved by Han Solo), crashed on Dagobah, lost his hand in his first lightsaber duel, and nearly fell to his death from Bespin (saved by Leia).  At the end, his powers in the Force are still very basic.  In The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Rey stomps two goons who try to steal BB-8, pilots the Millenium Falcon like an old pro, fixes the Falcon in a way that surprises Han, senses Luke's lightsaber in Maz Kanata's bar, resists Kylo Ren's efforts to interrogate her with the Force and even turns the tables on him, uses the Jedi mind trick to have a storm trooper release her (Luke's first use of the mind trick was in his 3rd movie), seriously wounds Kylo Ren in her first lightsaber duel (Luke did not fight this well until the 3rd movie), knocks Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to the ground when they have a disagreement, kills half the Imperial Guards in her second lightsaber duel, defeats Kylo Ren again, and lifts TONS of rocks to allow the remnants of the Rebel Fleet to escape.  Truly, Luke should have been the Padawan and Rey the Master.
Toss in some unsubtle political preaching with a dash of illogical and/or stupid decisions and a large dollop of bad writing and who needs fatigue?  The Force Awakens was so-so but not bad.  Rogue One was a fun blast to the past, a nice prequel to A New HopeThe Last Jedi was bad from start to finish.  Disney, who owns both Marvel and Lucasfilm, needs to shake up Lucasfilm and put someone as competent as Kevin Feige in charge.  It might also be a good idea to hire George Lucas to rescue a galaxy far, far away.

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