Saturday, June 2, 2018

George Will Puts Humble Pie in the Oven

A recent article by George Will celebrates the long game of Mitch McConnell.  McConnell is now the longest serving Republican Senate Majority Leader, surpassing Bob Dole.  Though many criticize McConnell for being a milquetoast, he is reshaping the judiciary.  Will lists several of McConnell's recent accomplishments:
1. Largest tax reduction in 31 years
2. Increased defense spending
3. Repeal of many Dodd-Frank banking rules
4. Drilling allowed in ANWR after 38 years of being blocked
5. Reshaping NLRB, which had been a source of mischief during the Obama years
6. Extensive use of the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations
Wow, Mitch McConnell is really amazing!  However, I notice that all of his great accomplishments seem to have come in the last 16 months.  What changed in the last 16 months that allowed Mitch to play his 'long game' so well?  Oddly, President Trump is not mentioned once in the article.

Will cannot fail to notice that much of his preferred conservative policy has been implemented during the administration of a man he vociferously denounced.  He left the Republican Party because Speaker Ryan endorsed the man who won the party's nomination.  Gee, George, I left the party when George W Bush dramatically expanded government in his first term, abandoning any pretense of conservatism.  Where were you?  If Trump continues to implement conservative policies and nominate conservative judges that allow Mitch to reshape the judiciary (I do love how Will gives McConnell all the credit for approving and ignores Trump's more important role of nominating), Will will take his humble pie out of the oven and eat it.

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