Sunday, June 24, 2018

George Will the Democrat

In his latest column, George Will calls on his readers to vote for the Democrats in November.  Less than a month after he heaped praise on Mitch McConnell's recent achievements - made possible because Republicans control both houses of Congress and the Presidency, he demands that it be torn down.  Yes, the Zero Tolerance Policy on the border - where the laws are finally being enforced as they were written - is a demonstration of bad government.  Hmm.
Though I dislike much of Trump's style, his results have been nothing short of amazing.  Regulations rolled back, conservative justices, tax reductions, economic growth, improved employment numbers, unbelievable shifts in the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East.  Jerusalem recognized as capitol of Israel (something the previous 3 presidents said they would do), women can drive in Saudi Arabia, and there may soon by a railway link between Israel and Saudi Arabia.  I have been an avid reader of George Will for years; policies that he has advocated for decades are being enacted and he is furious.
It should be noted that Will references a recent incident where Corey Lewandowski - Trump's former campaign manager - dismissively said "Wah, wah," when confronted with a story of a Down syndrome child separated from her parents at the border.  George Will's son has Down syndrome.  Trump may be implementing policies that Will should like but Trump is not at all presidential in the common usage of the term.  Trump is a Washington outsider while George Will has been an insider for most of his life.  If Trump had the demeanor of Romney and was accomplishing these same things, I suspect Will would be far more supportive.  Clash of personalities more than policies.

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