Sunday, December 2, 2018

Overlord (2018)

It is D-Day and a particular plane full of paratroopers is bound for France.  Their mission is to knock out a radio tower to aid the landing.  However, flack is heavy and the plane is shot to pieces.  Only a handful of the platoon survives and gathers.  The highest-ranking survivor is a corporal who is utterly ruthless.  The central character is Private Boyce (Jovan Adepo), who is viewed poorly by most of the soldiers.  Not because he is black but because he declined to kill a mouse in the barracks during training.  To the good, it turns out he speaks French.
No sooner do they arrive at the target than they notice some strange goings-on.  There are Nazi scientists who are collecting corpses for some reason.  Boyce accidentally finds his way into the complex and - inexplicably - explores almost all of it without being spotted.  He witnesses the revival of an apparently dead soldier.  The Nazis are working on a super soldier formula.  I almost expected to see Red Skull and Captain America!
A lot of the movie is hiding and fleeing, which provides lots of tension but gets old.  The big fight had entirely too few zombies.  The goal may have been to limit the zombies entirely in the underground complex to explain why this incident is unknown to history.  But speaking of history, the US Army was segregated during World War II.  There were no black paratroopers on D-Day.  There certainly wasn't a black sergeant in command of mostly white soldiers.  This sort of historical revisionism is rampant.  History wasn't inclusive and it was mostly ugly and brutish.  It should not be rewritten to match modern sensibilities.  If you want black and white troops together, set the story in Vietnam.  Or maybe embrace an alternate history and have the zombie run wild.  Pick one.

The movie is so-so.

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