Saturday, December 14, 2019

Fury (2014)

The tank crew of the Fury are the sole remaining tank out of a platoon.  Upon returning back to the nearest base, they are assigned a new machine gunner/backup driver; the last one was killed during the previous action.  Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) is a clerk who can type 60 words a minute but has no tank experience.  Sgt. Collier (Brad Pitt) is not happy to have such a raw recruit but has no other option.  Here is a story of Norman being thrown into the deep end of the pool to either sink or swim.

It is April of 1945 and the US Army is overrunning Germany but the casualties are very high.  Joining another 4 tanks, the Fury heads back into the action.  Along the way, they tackle gun emplacements, clear a town, face a Tiger tank, and defend a crossroads.  The action is intense and sometimes graphic.
The role of each tanker is detailed quite well.  Gordo (Michael Pena) is the driver, Swan (Shia LeBeouf) is the gunner, Travis (Jon Bernthal) is the loader, and Collier is the commander.  The workings of the Sherman and the teamwork involved in operating it is the best part of the movie.  Where Patton had tanks swarming around, this is a detailed look at one tank and its crew.  Very enjoyable.
The ending was disappointing.  The German column would have marched around the tank rather than throwing away a third of its force to repeatedly attack it.  Maybe the tank should have been named the Alamo instead.

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