Friday, December 29, 2023

Punishment without Conviction

The Supreme Court of Colorado decided that Donald Trump was guilty of insurrection and, per the 14th Amendment, declared that his name should not appear on the Colorado ballot.  Of course, Trump was never charged with insurrection and has therefore not been convicted.  Nonetheless, Colorado opted to apply the punishment.  The Colorado GOP has appealed the decision and, for the moment, Trump is back on the ballot.

In Maine, the Secretary of State likewise decided that Trump was indeed guilty of insurrection and has removed Trump from the ballot.  Again, Trump has not been tried or convicted of the crime and yet Democrat politicians are administering the punishment.

I have often opined about how the rule of law has eroded in the United States in recent years.  There are the two-tiers of justice, one for Republicans and one for Democrats.  Here is perhaps the most egregious example.  This sort of disregard for the rule of law will lead to Civil War.  The United States is a high trust society.  When the trust is finally broken - and we are on the way - it will be very difficult to restore.

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