Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Second American Civil War

The border between Mexico and Texas is not secure.  Rather than prevent foreigners from crossing into Texas, US Customs and Border Protection has been facilitating in crossing.  Whereas Texas has deployed measures to limit crossings, CBP has torn down those measures and assisted illegal entries.  The Supreme Court has ruled that the CBP can remove the barriers that Texas has erected.  In response, Texas has continued to raise barriers and sent the Texas National Guard to help secure the border.  Governor Abbott has accused President Biden of failing to carry out the laws against illegal entry and declared Texas to be under invasion.  The CBP numbers appear to confirm this:

Something changed dramatically in 2021.  Was it that Biden reversed most of President Trump's policies regarding the border?  The Obama years saw a gradual and consistent decline, but Biden has spiked like Al Gore's hockey stick.  Even mayors of Democrat-controlled cities have complained about the surge in illegal migrants.

Arizona tried to secure its border several years ago, passing laws that mirrored the national laws.  The Supreme Court nixed that, stating that international borders were the domain of the federal government.  Clearly, Governor Abbott wants to relitigate that view.  Several states have offered verbal support and Florida has offered material support to Texas.

That aside, the question is what will the Biden Administration do in response to Texas taking control of an international border?  If he allows Governor Abbott to secure the border against the administration's wishes, then other states will follow suit.  The federal government will effectively relinquish its role in border enforcement.  On the other hand, if the administration responds by forcibly taking over the border, that could result in armed conflict.  Welcome to Civil War II.  Maybe we are already in Civil War II, just waiting for the Fort Sumter incident that makes it official.

In 2022, there was a poll asking if there was an invasion along the southern border.  The responses were 53% true or somewhat true vs. 19% completely false.  The Biden Administration is on the wrong side of that poll.  Gee, could this explain Donald "Build the Wall" Trump's resurgence?  Yes, I think it does.

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