Saturday, March 9, 2024

Alliances Led to World War

Prior to the First World War, many of the European countries collected into alliances.  France, the UK, and Russia formed the Triple Entente in 1894 while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.  This balancing act of alliance was in order to discourage war.  However, when a Bosnian Serb separatist killed the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Sarajevo, a domino effect of the alliances saw Germany invade France.  Had the alliances not been triggered, the war might have been between Russia - which viewed itself as a natural ally of the Slavic Serbs - and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Today, we have NATO.  NATO was established in the wake of World War II and was specifically meant to be a bulwark against Soviet expansion into Europe.  The war which had begun with the intent of freeing Poland from the Germany Nazis and the Soviet Communists, ended with the Soviet Communists in control of Poland, half of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the Balkan countries.  Western Europe was understandably concerned that the Soviets might keep going.  However, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and all the captured Eastern European countries resumed independence.  West and East Germany reunited.  NATO should have had a party and closed shop.  Instead, it decided to expand.

The once defensive alliance was now marching toward the borders of - not the Soviet Union - Russia.  The anti-Soviet alliance has become the anti-Russia alliance.  The anti-communist alliance is now opposing a country that is no longer communist.  The opportunity for a new balance to be struck has been squandered.  The new Russian state saw that its old enemies from the USSR days remain its enemies.  Worse, they are expanding toward the Russian border.  Oh, but trust us, we will stop once we've added every state except Russia into the anti-Russian alliance.  We continued to treat Russia as the enemy and, predictably, Russia offered resistance to NATO encroachment.  Unsurprisingly, western media has painted Russia as the aggressor in all of this.

Putin is a dictator, a throwback to the czars, but he is not the Soviet Politburo bent on spreading communism around the world.  Europe no longer needs us to protect it from Russia.  Russia has a $5 trillion economy while the EU has a $25 trillion economy.  Russia has 150 million people vs. the EU at 450 million.  Why are we defending Europe when they have the resources to defend themselves?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has outlived its purpose.  It has been over 30 years since the end of the Soviet Union.  Time to close up shop.  As it is, further NATO expansion is going to lead to a war between the West and Russia.  Let's not have that war.

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