Saturday, March 16, 2024

Grumpy Old Men, 2024 Edition

This week, both Trump and Biden have secured the nomination of their parties by accumulating over half the delegates available.  When the conventions start, they each already have more than 50% of the voting delegates to prevent a brokered convention.  Now, they just have to be around for the convention.  Biden (81) and Trump (77) are not spring chickens.  We have the oldest president ever running against the 3rd oldest president ever (Reagan is currently the 2nd oldest).  Whoever wins, he is destined to be the oldest president ever.  If Biden, he retains the title.  If Trump, he will surpass Biden by the end of his term.

Maybe we should have an amendment that says you cannot be in government after the government-established retirement age.  If Social Security states that the retirement age is 67, then you leave government at 67.  The nice thing about such an amendment is it would be hard to break.  Those who want to remain in government would have to raise the retirement age for the whole country, which will be a hard sell.  This age limit should go for elective offices, appointed positions, and even everyday bureaucrats.  Yes, even the Supreme Court.  Out the door.  Go back home and suffer under the rules you have inflicted upon the rest of us.

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