Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Again with the Birth Certificate

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona has finished his investigation and declared that Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent.  Sigh.  At this point, it doesn't matter.  He ran for president already and was elected.  End of story.  For those unhappy with that state of affairs, there is another election soon.  Go vote.

For the sake of argument, let us suppose that Obama really was born in Kenya and he really did get a forged birth certificate.  What could be done?  The only route would be to impeach him for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  That is not going to happen.  Even if the Republican House voted on articles of impeachment (as they did with Clinton), there is NO chance that a majority Democrat senate is going to convict a Democrat President.

This is a pissing contest between the Obama Administration and Sheriff Arpaio.  The administration has put Sheriff Joe's department under investigation.  Obama has also sued the state of Arizona for trying to enforce Federal immigration laws.  Arpaio's investigation is his way of fighting back in an unfair fight.  It is a wasted effort because no one cares about the birth certificate anymore, except maybe Donald Trump.  Those people who aren't going to vote for Obama on account of the Birther conspiracy don't need further convincing.

Hopefully, this is the last we'll hear of Obama's birth certificate.  If the election is a referendum on his birth certificate, he'll be reelected in a landslide.  But if it's a referendum on the economy...

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