Monday, July 16, 2012

Internet Kill Switch

The White House has finally responded to criticism over US President Barack Obama’s hushed signing last week of an Executive Order that allows the government to command privately-owned communication systems and acknowledges its implications.

Let's do a thought experiment: In what situation would the government need to take over all communications - including the internet and wireless cell phones - in the country.  What sort of emergency would justify such an action by the central government?  What if a nuke destroyed a city?  Would it be in the national security interest of the US to cut off all communication among the citizens?  No.  How about if there was an invasion?  A Jihadi army suddenly landed on the beach and started laying waste?  No, still no good reason to take over communications.  What if hackers figured out a way to make every computer display "America sucks" in flashing letters?  No, because that isn't even possible.  And what about the cell phones?  When would the government need to assume control of AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint?  I can think of no good reason for the government to cut off our communication but I can think of some bad reasons.

Totalitarian governments - like Iran or China - seek every means possible to control communication and access to information among their populace.  If people don't know what the government is doing then it is hard for them to stop it.  An informed populace is a prerequisite of a representative republic but an uninformed populace is a blessing to a dictatorship.  If our government had good reasons, why was there a "hushed signing" of the order?

Regardless of your party affiliation, the idea of the central government having the ability to sieze control of communications should be concerning.  One should always be distrustful of government, regardless of which party is in office.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington

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