Wednesday, October 2, 2013

All or Nothing

Not surprisingly, there is heat on the Republicans for the government shutdown.  So, per my suggestion, the Republicans have sent over some piecemeal bills to fund this or that part of the government.  The Senate (run by Democrats) has refused to vote on them.  Thus, even though the Democrats could ameliorate the pain of the shutdown by simply passing the continuing resolutions for those functions of government that both parties agree upon, they have opted not to do so.  Why?  The reason is clear: a piecemeal approach will allow the Republicans to take the pressure off.  After all, how many Americans are going to complain if the shutdown is reduced to only the Obamacare Exchanges?  The Democrats need AS MUCH of the government shutdown as possible so that they can pressure the Republicans through the media and public opinion.  With each part of the government that is reopened, the pressure diminishes.  In short, it benefits the Democrats to have the shutdown be as onerous as possible.  Who shut down the government again?

As for Obamacare, it is too soon to tell but there are certainly signs of failure.  President Obama compared the glitches in Obamacare to those of IOS7 for Apple.  Apple had some glitches and fixed them.  No one suggested that Apple stop selling iPhones and iPads because it didn't work perfectly.  That strikes me as a weak comparison.  The government is not REQUIRING people to buy Apple products but it is requiring Obamacare on pain of IRS fines... er... taxes (thank you, Chief Justice John Roberts).  Even Obama cheerleaders at MSNBC and CNN have been unable to purchase insurance through the exchanges.  Yes, this will improve.  However, if three years of preparations have resulted in this kind of rollout, the final product will probably make the DMV look efficient.

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