Saturday, October 19, 2013

Shutdown Failure

As predicted, the Republicans folded, the media place ALL the blame on them, and they got nothing to show for the effort.  Failure.  It is odd that the Republicans repeatedly offered to open the government throughout the shutdown but the Senate and the President continually said "No."  One of the Republican offers was to give the President everything he wanted though it required that all members of Congress and their staffs must be on Obamacare like everyone else.  Harry Reid squashed that and the media didn't hammer him for it.  I wonder how that would have played had it been a Republican Senate that refused to reopen the government in order to protect such perks.  Think the press would have shrugged and continued to blame the other party?  I suspect not.

Some say this hasn't been a complete loss.  The shutdown shined a light on government and the citizenry has the lowest opinion of it since records have been kept.  Also, the Republicans have successfully placed themselves firmly in opposition to Obamacare, a program that is off to a rocky start to say the least.

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